

Rocconi, L. & Boyd, A. T. (2022). Examining the Relationship between Law School Rank and Student Engagement. Journal of Legal Education. Available online:

Boyd, A. T., & Rocconi, L. M. (2021). Formatting data for one and two mode undirected social network analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 26(24). Available online:

Boyd, A. T., Schmidt, K. M., & Bergeman, C. S. (2020). You know what they say about when you assume: Testing the robustness of invariant comparisons. Journal of Applied Measurement, 21(2), 190-209.


Narvaiz, S. & Boyd, A. T. (2021, October) Welcoming New Graduate Students During COVID: Assessing Virtual Orientations. Live presentation at the 2021 Assessment Institute Virtual Conference, October 24-27, Online.

Schmidt, A., Rocconi, L., & Boyd, A. T. (2021, August) From Click to Code: Insights from Instructors and Students on Moving from SPSS to R in a Graduate-Level Applied Statistics Course. Live presentation at the 2021 Join Statistical Meetings Virtual Conference, August 8-12, Online.

Narvaiz, S. & Boyd, A. T. (2021, June) Welcoming New Graduate Students During COVID: Lessons Learned from Assessing A Virtual Orientation. Poster presentation at the 2021 NASPA Virtual Conference on Student Success in Higher Education, June 26-30, Online.

Christen, N., Boyd, A. T., & Morrow, J. A. (2021, June). Asking it the “Right” Way Versus the “Wrong” Way: Creating Effective & Meaningful Assessment Items. Live exemplar session for the AALHE 2021 Online Conference: Exemplars, Encores, and Enigmas, June 7-11, Online.

Jones, S. N., York, M., Christen, N., Boyd, A. T., & Schmidt, A. (2021, May). Teamwork in a virtual environment: Reflections of conducting a needs assessment during a pandemic. Live reflective dialogue session for the EViE 2021 Conference, May 20-21, Online.

Boyd, A. T. & Schmidt, A. (2020, November) Basics of R Training. Online training presentation for graduate students in the University of Tennessee Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology program, Online.

Butler, B. M. & Boyd, A. T. (2020, October*) Curriculum Vitae Building. Workshop at the American Evaluation Association 2020 Conference, October 27-20, Online.

Jones, N., Christen, N., & Boyd, A. T. (2020, October*). Inclusive evaluations: Making your online surveys accessible. Workshop at the American Evaluation Association 2020 Conference, October 27-20, Online.

Christen, N., Boyd, A. T., & Morrow, J. A. (2020, June*). Asking it the “Right” Way Versus the “Wrong” Way: Creating Effective & Meaningful Survey Items. Concurrent session for the Watermark Engage 2020 Conference, June 17-18, Baltimore, Maryland.

Boyd, A. T. (2020, March) An Application of Social Network Analysis with Internet Data: The Linkages Between Marvel Superheroes. Poster presentation at the University of Tennessee College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences’ Graduate Student Research Colloquium 2020, March 4, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Boyd, A. T. & Butler, B. M. (2020, March) Curriculum Vitae Building. Online training presentation for graduate students in the University of Tennessee Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology program, Online.

Boyd, A. T., Christen, N., Jones, N., Schmidt, A., & York, M. (2019, November) Equivalence Testing with Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) Training. Training presentation for graduate students in the University of Tennessee Evaluation, Statistics, and Methodology program, November 25, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Rocconi, L. & Boyd, A. T. (2019, November). Examining the Relationship between Law School Rank and Student Engagement. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Conference, November 14-16, Portland, Oregon.

Rocconi, L. & Boyd, A. T. (2019, November). Examining the Relationship between Law School Rank and Student Engagement. Paper presented at the AccessLex Legal Education Research Symposium, November 11-12, Orlando, Florida.

Boyd, A. T. & Butler, B. M. (2019, October). Paving the way to an effective resume: Standardizing the resume and CV formats. Poster presented at the annual Society for the Teaching of Psychology International Twitter Poster Conference, Online.

Boyd, A. T., Schmidt, K. M., & Bergeman, C. S. (2018, April). You know what they say about when you assume: Testing the robustness of invariant comparisons. Paper presented at the International Objective Measurement Workshop (IOMW) Conference, April 10-11, New York, New York.

Boyd, A. T. (2012, September) Knowing Your Leadership Styles. Workshop lead at JROTC Leadership Conference, September 25, Prince William County, VA.

*Accepted but not presented due to COVID-19 pandemic.