Personal Website! Mission Accomplished :)

As an undergrad, I learned some basic HTML and CSS and created a simple webpage in a class project. I haven’t thought back then that I would have a fully functional personal website one day with all the modern features like social sharing, tagging, related posts and so on.

All this became possible thanks to Michael Rose and his Minimal Mistakes responsive Jekyll theme! I really loved the minimalistic design and the ability to customize a lot of features! The theme is also very well documented and has lots of examples. Using Markdown for writing HTML makes blogging a lot easier.

Another killer feature is that you can host your website on GitHub pages for free!

No wonder that Minimal Mistakes is so popular. It’s GitHub page was forked over 9000 times and starred over 5000 times! I personally got inspiration from these people who customized MM and also blogged about the process:

If you like the design and want to create something similar, checkout my HOWTO series:

  • Part I: How to install minimal-mistakes Jekyll theme using Docker container
  • Part II: How to customize the Jekyll minimal-mistakes theme for personal website
  • Part III: How to host personal website on GitHub Pages and use private domain
  • Part IV: How to improve SEO, enable public comments provider and add Google Analytics